Holland Lops - The Breed

The Holland Lop is very popular and well-liked by many rabbit enthusiasts, pet owners and breeders, because of its compact size and it's just darn cute! It is a small breed with an ideal weight of 3.0 - 4.0 lbs for showing in American Rabbit Breeders' Association sanctioned shows. Their stocky, muscular-appearing body, is characterized by broad shoulders, deep chests, and short thick legs and you can't miss the "bulldog" face. The Holland Lop color guide in the ARBA Standards consists of well over twenty colors. Holland Lops have a fun-loving nature. They make good indoor or outdoor pets but beware that if kept indoors you will have to take precautions such as covering electrical wires, removing poisonous houseplants and making sure that your rabbit is safe from other household pets, although ours have been known to nip at any cat that gets too close.